Principles & Research Ethics

Authorship principles

These guidelines describe authorship principles and good authorship practices to which prospective authors should adhere.


The Journal and Publisher imply that all authors approved of the paper's substance, provided explicit approval to its submission, and gained permission from the appropriate individuals at the institute or organization where the research was conducted before the work was submitted.

Authorship is not required for all contributions, according to the Publisher. Authors are advised to follow the authorship standards that apply to their particular field of study. In the lack of explicit recommendations, it is advised to follow these rules:

All authors whose names appear on the submission

  • made significant contributions to the work's conception or design, the collection, analysis, or interpretation of data, the creation of new software used in the work, or any of these;
  • drafted the piece of work or critically reviewed it for significant intellectual content;
  • authorized the published version; and
  • agree to accept responsibility for all facets of the work in order to guarantee that any concerns about the accuracy or integrity of any component of the work are duly examined and addressed.

Disclosures and declarations

All authors are asked to provide information on funding sources, financial and non-financial interests, study-specific ethics committee permission for research involving people and/or animals, informed consent if participants were human, and an animal welfare statement if participants were animals (as appropriate).

The article's scope as well as the Journal's scope have a role in determining whether such material should be published. All authors are responsible for including the proper disclosures and statements when submitting work for publication that may have an impact on the public health or general welfare.

Data transparency

It is required of all authors to ensure that all data, materials, software, and custom code support their published claims and adhere to industry standards.

Corresponding Author

As the designated Corresponding Author, he/she speaks and acts on behalf of the other co-authors to ensure that concerns about the correctness or reliability of any aspect of the work are properly handled.

The Corresponding Author is responsible for the following requirements:

  • confirming that the manuscript's submission has been approved by all stated authors, including the names and order of authors;
  • coordinating all pre- and post-publication correspondence between the Journal and each co-author;
  • ensuring that the appropriate disclosures, declarations, and data openness statements from each author are included in the paper.

A Contact or Submitting Author may be given the responsibility of handling all correspondence between the Journal and all co-authors during submission and proofing. In this situation, please make sure the manuscript clearly identifies the Corresponding Author..


The institution where the majority of each author's work was completed should be listed as their principal affiliation. The author's current address may also be mentioned if they have since moved. Addresses won't be modified or updated once the article is published.

Changes to authorship

It is strongly encouraged for authors to double-check the correct author group, the Corresponding Author, and the author order before submitting their work. After a paper has been accepted, modifications to the authorship by adding or removing authors, changing the corresponding author, changing the order of the authors, etc. are not allowed.

Deceased or incapacitated authors

If the co-authors feel it is appropriate to include the author after the co-author passes away or becomes incapacitated during the writing, submission, or peer-review process, they should get permission from a (legal) representative, who could be a close relative.

Authorship issues or disputes

Unless express permission has been granted to share information, authors should treat all correspondence with the Journal as confidential, including communications with the Editor-in-Chief, Editors, and reviewers' reports.


Unless express permission has been granted to share information, authors should treat all correspondence with the Journal as confidential, including communications with the Editor-in-Chief, Editors, and reviewers' reports.

Copyright transfer

Authors will be asked to transfer the copyright of the article to the Publisher by signing the copyright form. This will ensure the broadest possible protection and dissemination of information under copyright laws.

Journal Reprint

Journal Reprint can be ordered by means of a printing order form supplied with the proofs with a 10USD charge.

Proof reading

The proof's objective is to examine the text, tables, and figures for completeness and accuracy as well as any typesetting or conversion mistakes. Significant material modifications, such as new findings, corrected values, title changes, and author changes, are not permitted without the Editor's consent.

Conflict of Interest

Any potential conflict of interest related to the paper must be disclosed by all authors, representatives, reviewers, and editors. Additionally, authors are required to give credit to all sources of funding for their work.

If a reviewer, editor, or editorial board member has a bias or personal interest that could impede peer review, this is an example of academic conflict of interest, and they should disclose this and decline to participate in the review process.

Ethics & Disclosures

The Journal is dedicated to upholding the highest standard of integrity in all published material.

The submissions may be checked for plagiarism using special software such as Turnitin by the Journal. The plagiarism policies shall be adhered to if plagiarism is found. 

Action for Plagiarism

The Editorial Board will refer the case to the ethics committee for investigation the instant any article published in the journal database is claimed to have been plagiarized. The Journal must support the original author and manuscript regardless of the publisher if it has been proven that the material contains plagiarism. The Journal may then take any or all of the following immediate actions or adopt the further course of action that the committee advises: 

  • To take strong action against the concerned author, the Editorial Board will promptly get in touch with the College, Institution, Organization, or University that the author(s) is(are) involved with.
  • The journal must retract the previously published journal and republish a revised journal with the copied manuscript deleted.
  • The Journal may prohibit authors permanently or reject all of their future contributions for a period of ten years. 

Any other course of action that the Committee may recommend, may be regarded appropriate in the given circumstance, or may occasionally be chosen by the Editorial Board.