Implementation of the BUMABANGON Posttraumatic Growth Intervention Program among the Grieving Parents by Traumatic Loss in Bataan, Philippines


posttraumatic growth
BUMABANGON Posttraumatic Growth Intervention Program
traumatic loss

How to Cite

Villazor, J., & De Guzman, R. (2022). Implementation of the BUMABANGON Posttraumatic Growth Intervention Program among the Grieving Parents by Traumatic Loss in Bataan, Philippines. Journal of Education, Management and Development Studies, 2(4), 26–39.


Significant research demonstrates that positive transformation from a traumatic loss is possible. Furthermore, a declining trend of growth is conceivable over time. The authors devised an intervention program comprised of several modalities. Twenty grieving parents who lost a child from traumatic loss in different municipalities in Bataan underwent two treatments (one-time psychoeducation and a posttraumatic growth intervention program). A mixed method was employed to obtain a more detailed and accurate result. The quantitative phase demonstrated that the BUMABANGON Posttraumatic Growth Intervention Program (BPTGIP) helped grieving parents (z = -2.40, p = 0.17) moderately (effect size of 0.54). Five themes developed throughout the qualitative phase: skill acquisition, spiritual growth, interpersonal enhancement, social support, and change perspective. This pilot study provides evidence that further studies to explore the effectiveness of  BPTGIP in a larger and broader scale.


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